
Squandering a perfectly good opportunity to shut up and listen.

About the Author

I'm Jeff T. Polczynski, also known as JeffTP. Professionally, I'm a former computer network and security specialist who became a sales engineer.


All views expressed on this site are my own and do not represent the opinions of any other entity for which I am, have been, or will be affiliated.

I do not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability, or accuracy for information and/or instructions published on this site. The information and/or instructions are provided in good faith for your education and entertainment, but use this information at your own risk.

This site does not intentionally collect any data on visitors to the site. In the event that data collection has taken place, such data will be deleted as soon as possible.

I don't participate in any affiliate, advertising, or sponsorship programs. I'm giving all this knowledge away for free.

I reserve the right to change any of the above policies at any time without prior notice.

About the Site

This site is built using the following tools:

  • Zola, the static site generator which assembles the site from the source markdown files.
  • Pico CSS, the minimal cascading style sheet library.
  • Mermaid.JS, the JavaScript library which converts simple text-based markup into the diagrams in the site.
  • jsDelivr, the free CDN for open source projects which provides hosting for PicoCSS and Mermaid.JS.
  • Cloudflare Pages, which hosts the site content.

The theme for this site is custom, but would not have been possible without studying the output and source of other Zola themes: